Thursday 16 August 2018

Positivity is the colour of a gorgeous pink Rose .
It smells like my mums beautiful scented perfume.
It tastes like a nutella filled donut oozing out onto my fingers.
It sounds like people laughing gleefully.
It feels like christmas time when I see my whanau.
It looks like people having an amazing time at the beach.
It lives in the heart of every human being.

Written by Kendra Thompson-Harris

Wednesday 8 August 2018


The wind rushed through her hair as she descended the mountain at great speed. For most children this would be an exhilarating, even terrifying  experience, but for Hannah it was just a ordinary journey to school…..

Hannah lives in the forest with her Mum, her Dad & her dog Lucy. Hannah was the only child she did not mind. Hannah and her family lived near a village named Karaka. Hannah did not have many friends. She was a chilled kid. Hannah is ten years old. “Bye Mum Im of to school” shouted Hannah. “OK sweety stay safe & eat healthy” shouted Mum back to Hannah. Hannah’s journey began. The toughest part of Hannah’s journey was…. The hike. The hike of 1 of the biggest ,most tiring mountains in the forest. “Im nearly there” said Hannah puffed. At the top is the most magical zip line. Hannah was at top! “My wish has come true. “All that hiking should pay this off” Hannah whispered to herself. Hannah climbed onto the bean bag that was surrounded by white netting. She pushed the button to make the magic zip line go. The wind rushed through her hair as she descended the mountain at great speed. The village was at the bottom of the mountain. Hannah ran the rest of the way to school. She signed in at the office cause she may be a little late. “ Hey there am I a little late” asked  Hannah politely. “ Hannah right schools closed today. So back off” the office lady said disrespectfully. Hannah walked off sadly. She couldn't believe the way she got treated. She pushed the button again for the magical zip line. She scattered down the other side of mountain like a lost cat. She told her Mum and Dad what had happen. Her Dad rung Karaka school “ My daughter Hannah will not be attend-ending Karaka area school no longer” SHOUTED Hannah's Dad  on the phone. “Hannah you are going to a new in Waikato and your Mum & I have been talking about moving there too!” said Dad excitedly. “Really! That’s amazing!! But what about this what about the hut and Lucy” said Hannah. “Were going to live in a hut similar to this in the forest and we we'll take down the zip line as we’ll” said Dad. “We are leaving next week.” said Dad. “YESSSSSS this is the best time of my life my life!!” shouted Hannah.             THE END

Thursday 14 June 2018


            What do you know about Matariki?                                                                                            Matariki is a cluster of stars named Matariki. Many Iwi celebrate Matariki many diffrent ways.    

When the people from long long ago would use the stars to see what type of season it was going to be. Every year in late May or late June. If it was going to be a good season the stars would be shiny. 

A constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern. 

If I had to list two ways Maori people celebrate Matariki these are the things I would do:
1. Have a big feast (hangi)
2. Go to the beach and look at the stars

During Matariki, people celebrate with music , songs, dancing, food and family.

Maori also tell legions to the whanau.

My family celebrates Christmas together.



Friday 1 June 2018


Bonjour. Did you know in France they only have one language and that is ……. French. But if some people are smart enough they can also speak English. Salut and Au revoir mean goodbye in French. In their language thanks is merci. Comment allez-vous means how are you? 

In France the foods that they most like to eat are Baguette (French Bread), Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée (Onion Soup), and Croque-Monsieur (Ham and Cheese Sandwich). 

The population in France is heaps more than us here in New Zealand, it is 65.2 million! France is located in Europe. France's Capital is Paris, with 2.2 million inhabitants. France's flag is red, blue and white.  

Au revoir and thanks for reading!

Wednesday 2 May 2018

My special place!

Dear reader 

You are about to hear about one of the most  breathtaking places in the world. It starts with a T and ends with an A. Can you guess? Read more to find out.

This mystery place has buildings that are colourful. A ocean that is as dark as the sky. The residents that live there have character, are kind, Kaitiaki and wild. Kai (food) that is made the best and gets my rating of 100/10. Its a tropical, magical paradise. The view has curving hills that are high and beautiful.

Did you guess? 
One day soon you will have to go and visit the tropical paradise.


Wednesday 11 April 2018

Dead bodies
NO food
Trench foot
Shot dead
Screaming men



On the 25th of April the A.N.Z.A.C soldiers landed in the wrong spot, there was Chaos and confusion. The place they landed was called A.N.Z.A.C Cove. Up in the hills there were the Turks that were shooting the soldiers. Thousands died.The water was red from all their blood.

Made by Active Ferns

Tuesday 13 March 2018



At our camp at night, I could hear the sound of crickets singing us a bed time story.

When there was a cricket in the room I saw Porsha's reaction, "AAHH!!" she cried. 

I wondered if we would come back? 

When we had Ice-cream for breaky I felt as lucky as a rich person.